Aifm News N. 1218 – 07.06.2019

01. Opportunità professionali

Si avvisano io soci che nell’area Trovalavoro sono presenti nuove opportunità professionali.
Fra le più recenti:
Fisico presso Itel Telecomunicazioni

​02. Rassegna Stampa

Dalla Rassegna Stampa, curata dal collega Luca Moro, le nuove pubblicazioni:

Ottimizzare l’esposizione a radiazioni ionizzanti

Nasce il Coordinamento nazionale di fisica applicata a medicina-biologia-beni culturali-ambientali (Fis/07)

​03. IOMP Re-Opens the Nominations for IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2019

Dear IOMP Council members and colleagues IOMP has decided to reopen the call for Nominations for IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2019
The Award will include a cash prize of 1500 USD, an IUPAP medal and the IOMP certificate. In addition, a short Biography of the Awardee will be published
in Medical Physics World. More details at: https://www.iomp.org/call-for-nominations/ 
New deadline for submissions will be 21st June 2019. The winner will be announced on 4 July 2019.

Kind regards

​04. Journal Medical Physics International (May 2019)

Dear IOMP Council members

The new issue of the Journal Medical Physics International (May 2019) is now ready. 

The full new MPI issue can be downloaded from here: http://mpijournal.org/pdf/2019-01/MPI-2019-01.pdf

Separate papers can be downloaded from here: http://www.mpijournal.org/content_currentissue.aspx

Abstracts from ICMP2019 will be also added to this issue as an Annex (as with Abstracts from ICMP2013 and ICMP2016)


Kind regards


IOMP Secretary General