Radiation Protection Committee in Healthcare Setting – CRPS


The presentation of the Radioprotection Committee is here.

Committee Report

Download the summary document of questions and answers from the “In-depth Day on Legislative Decree 203/2022.”

Errata Corrige for the document “Excreted Fractions: Methodological Notes and Examples.” Download here.

Download the AIFM report on “Assessment of the Representative Individual’s Absorbed Dose Following Nuclear Medicine Activities” (document published on May 20, 2022).

Download the AIFM report on “Evaluation of Equivalent Dose to the Lens” (document published on July 30, 2020).

Download the AIFM report on “Preventive Assessment of Exposure, Classification of Areas, and Evaluation of Absorbed Doses in Radiological Practice” (document published on July 30, 2020).

Download the AIFM report on “Excreted Fractions: Methodological Notes and Examples” (document published on August 12, 2022).

Committee Documents

Download the document on “Coronavirus Emergency – Need for Chest X-ray Examinations in Facilities Dedicated to COVID-19 Patient Management (Intensive Care Units, Sub-Intensive Care Units, COVID Pathways, Isolation Wards, and Others)” (document published on March 17, 2020).

Download the document on “INDICATIONS REGARDING RADIATION FIELDS PRODUCED BY MOBILE X-RAY EQUIPMENT” (document published on March 31, 2020).

Committee Notes

Read the note from the Radioprotection Committee on “Registration of ISIN on the STRIM portal for compliance with Legislative Decree 101/20.”

Read the note from the Radioprotection Committee on “Obligation to communicate completed training to the Ministry of Labor.”

Read the note from the Radioprotection Committee on “Compliance with Article 112 and 113 for publication.”

Download the response from the General Directorate of Health Prevention at the Ministry of Health to the question posed by AIFM regarding diagnostic investigations carried out in healthcare facilities using radioisotopes on “in vitro” biological samples within their specific and individual care pathway.

Download the circular from the Lombardy region on “COVID-19 Emergency. Guidelines on the Use of Mobile Radiological Equipment for Examinations on Bedridden Patients. Legislative Decree 230/95 and subsequent amendments” (document published on March 31, 2020).

Download Article 39 “Simplified Procedures for Medical-Radiological Practices and Equipment” of Legislative Decree April 8, 2020, No. 23, published in the special edition of the Official Gazette No. 94 (document published on April 9, 2020).