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Warning: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in drupal_environment_initialize() (line 697 of /var/www/html/provabruno/includes/bootstrap.inc).

Radiation Protection Dosimetry and Accreditation of IMS: Secrets & Solutions

The 5th EURADOS Training Course on Radiation Protec- tion Dosimetry is an initiative of the EURADOS working group on Harmonization of Individual Monitoring (WG02). The authors of the Technical Recommendation RP160 were all members of the WG02 and in 2012 initiated this series of training courses. During the years, the scope of the Training Course was broadened, but still follows in its basic ideas the RP160 document.

Radiation Protection Dosimetry and Accreditation of IMS: Secrets & Solutions

The 5th EURADOS Training Course on Radiation Protec- tion Dosimetry is an initiative of the EURADOS working group on Harmonization of Individual Monitoring (WG02). The authors of the Technical Recommendation RP160 were all members of the WG02 and in 2012 initiated this series of training courses. During the years, the scope of the Training Course was broadened, but still follows in its basic ideas the RP160 document.

International Day of Medical Physics - LE NUOVE SFIDE DELLA FISICA MEDICA: un Ponte tra Innovazione e Medicina

L’evento si svolge in occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Fisica Medica (IDMP, International Day of Medical Physics) che si celebra annualmente in occasione dell’anniversario della nascita di Marie Curie. Quest’anno la celebrazione ha sede a Matera, con il riconoscimento della Fondazione Matera Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019.

AAMPM & ÖGMP Meeting

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
Dear Colleagues!

It is our privilege and our pleasure to invite you to Graz for the 9th Alpe-Adria Medical Physics Meeting (AAMPM) and the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Medical Physics (ÖGMP), which takes place from 16.5 - 18.5.2019 at the Medical University of Graz.

The Pattern Of Practice for Adaptive and Real Time Radiation Therapy (POP-ART RT) study has been

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Il Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, il Consiglio Nazionale Forense e la Federazione Nazion

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Il Workshop rappresenta un momento di incontro interdisciplinare per far il punto sulla attività clinica e di ricerca applicata al settoredell’oncologia medica.

Il Workshop verrà aperto il 21 Giugno 2019 dai saluti istituzionali delle autorità cui seguiranno relazioni di carattere generale e divulgativo sulle tematiche affrontate in dettaglio durante il Workshop.
