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Warning: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in drupal_environment_initialize() (line 697 of /var/www/html/provabruno/includes/bootstrap.inc).

Modelli predittivi degli effetti della radioterapia con fasci esterni - ed.III

Il corso, organizzato congiuntamente dalla associazione italiana radioterapia oncologica (AIRO) e dalla associazione italiana di fisica medica (AIFM), nasce in continuità con la prima edizione dell'evento svoltasi nel 2014 presso l'aula magna della Università degli studi di Milano.

Radioprotezione dei lavoratori e della popolazione nelle attività sanitarie (II edizione)

Lo Specialista in Fisica Medica (Medical Physics Expert, MPE) ha competenza nell'ottimizzazione delle tecnologie che impiegano radiazioni ionizzanti in medicina.


The Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics (MMP) is a two-year advanced training programme run jointly by ICTP and the University of Trieste. The programme is designed to provide young, promising graduates of physics or related fields (mainly from developing countries) with postgraduate theoretical and clinical training so that they may be recognised as clinical medical physicists in their home countries.

ESMPE European School for Medical Physics Experts Prague January 2017 Imaging in Radiotherapy

The EFOMP in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would like to invite you to the next ESMPE RT 2017.

Nuclear imaging and PET imaging course

This longstanding course is designed to teach the scientific principles upon which nuclear medicine imaging is based.

Physical and virtual anthropomorphic phantoms for image quality and patient dose optimization

Importance and impact of the training module: Simple mathematical phantoms comprise combination of simple geometrical primitives and as such they are widely used in simulations particularly for dosimetry and optimization of acquisition geometry.

EUTEMPE-RX module 3

EUTEMPE-RX module 3, on 'Monte Carlo Simulations of X-ray Imaging and Dosimetry'.
The online part starts May 1, 2017. Face-to-face: June 19-23, 2017.
